When designing a tourism product there are two things we think about, the tangible and intangible elements. Undeniably one of the biggest aspects of tourism is service, which is, an intangible element. Beyond this though are the tangible aspects such as, F&B(restaurants and bars), hotel rooms, and pools. When deciding on these we tend focus on getting the highest quality within our budget. However designing and choosing these, we must remember they are not a stand alone.
These elements and products are merely tools to achieve intangible benefits. Intangible benefits being feelings such as comfort, relaxation, and excitement. This means people may choose a hotel suite because it gives them the feeling of isolation and not because of the actual quality of its tangible elements. It is an issue of the total being larger than the sum.
This is why we must be fully aware of our high fit customers, and their motivation for the vacation. We also need to be aware of what our brand represents and out core offering(benefit to customers). When we understand this, we realize we do not nessecarily need the 'best' products. Rather the products that embody the intangible benefits our customers are looking for.