Thursday, June 9, 2011

Form and Function

In the design world, there needs to be a marriage between form and
function.  Great designers have stated that good design form is born
out of good function but not vice versa. Hence we should use function
as the starting point then merge it with form.

I believe design without function is art. It is beautiful and needed
sometimes, but one must recognize it as art and treat it as such.

Building on my last post, we see that not all ads stay true to this
relationship of form and function. There are some impressive
innovative ads out there that are pleasing to the eye but are they all
effective? They ticked the form box, but have they ticked the function
box? Sometimes, no.
So when designing ads for your products be sure to keep in mind that
without function, form is just art and art doesn't sell products.

The solution? Strategy and Tactics. Marketing strategy refers to where
you are taking your brand and marketing tactics, to how your getting
it there. Every brand should have a clearly defined strategy and
tactics. Aligning your ad directly to both, would ensure the
functionality of the ad.