Thursday, May 19, 2011

Effective Ads

I've been thinking recently about which ads are effective in
getting me interested in a product or service. Finding out which ads are effective can tell us a bit about ourselves. For instance, I've
realized, there are two types of ads that are effective with me.

Firstly are ads that go for all out beauty and design in the ad and/or
product. A perfect example is this Mercedes Benz ad.

Secondly is if it goes into detail with why the product works. Though
this is not an ad per say it did get me to actually purchase the

These type of ads are effective in bringing me to that “interest” or
“desire” phase about the product. I do enjoy other types of ads, but
the interest usually stays with the ad. I think these are effective because
of my interest in design as well as the curious analyzer in me.

What type of ads actually make you want the product/service?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Design and Context

Fiat 500 (1969)
 I recently saw the Italian Job( the old version, 1969) and in it there
were a number of Fiat 500's. I've never been a fan of vintage cars,
but seeing the old 500's in their home setting really lead me to
appreciate their design.
It got me thinking about design and context
and I realized that design is best appreciated in it's original
context. Great design then, is design that can be applied in many
different contexts yet still be appreciated.